
{my dream wedding dress}

August 22, 2013

OurWedding (356 of 412)

Most every girl at some point in her life dreams of what her wedding dress in going to look like. The beautiful creamy-white, pure dress that she is going to joyfully sweep down the isle to her handsome groom that has won her heart.  Over time it this dream gown has become more sophisticated and classy from the dream-land of a little girl but all in all it still holds small resemblances to that dream dress. Every bride has a story behind their dream-dress and I would like to share mine with you. It has almost been a year since that beautiful, dream-come-true day. I shall never grow tired in reminiscing all the gifts, large and small that were abundantly showered on Josh and I on this most beautiful-blessed of days. One of these gifts was a wedding gown fit for a princess, a dress meant to symbolize the purity of a bride adorning herself for her husband. The Bride, the Church waiting for her Groom. Slipping into this exquisite gown of creamy lace, joy radiating off my face and filling my heart. . .


“As a bride adorned for her husband…”

-Revelation 21:2

The inspiration…

I loved the classic sophistication of the lace back.

& lace, lace, lace, lace, lace.


Our handiwork…

Filled with memories of days gone by. Given with love. Handmade with love. Delightful details.

I love details. Little or large. I guess the Lord just placed an eye and a heart in me that searches for beauty in all that I see. I search for it. The Lord knows the things that have meaning and depth to me and He paid attention the the intricate details so wonderfully, to thrill and woo my heart with His intimate knowledge of my heart.

One of the dearest details of my wedding dress is the lace on the back of my gown and sleeves…for more reasons than one. Josh’s mom, my mother-in-love, is a {wonderful} seamstress and she offered to fly out and do any alterations and such on my dress! *blessed* I had my eye on the picture above and asked if that was a possibility. She said yes. *oh happy day* The next course of action was to find the right lace to match the rest of my dress. This proved to be a little difficult, and the possibility of a little pricey. During our Skype Wedding Dress Consultation {he he} the more my mom and I looked at the lace on my dress … it looked a little similar to her wedding dress! My mom went and grab her wedding dress and we held it up to my dress. The lace on my dress was a creamy white with a champagne underlay. My mom’s dress on the other hand was white, but over the 26 years it had changed colors, it was slightly creamy! The lace was lovely, it had the swiss dots and delicate flower details and lovely “lashes” at the ends. Absolutely beautiful, and perfect! And the most wonderful part of it was that 26 years before, my mother-bride had was joined in covenant-love with my father-groom, in that very dress! Could it be any more perfect!? Well, God thought it could, not only was it hold memories of my parent’s wedding, & given with love by my unselfish mommy, it was handmade with love by my mother-in-love. She worked for hour upon hour piecing the lace just so and sewing tiny beaded pearls & glittering jewels all the while praying over Josh and I, & our marriage. Josh & I are so tremendously blessed to be surround by such wonderful-godly parents who have invested the Lord & their time into our lives.

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 Picture Credits: Lauren Robertson, Brittney Andrews, & Myself, Brooke
